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Limiting Beliefs and Anxiety: How to Become Unstuck

May 07, 2023


What is a limiting belief? 

A limiting belief is a belief which holds you back or makes you feel stuck.  It includes any repetitive thought you find restrictive or restraining. 

Your personal limiting beliefs were either ingrained in you from childhood or forged in your mind over time.  Some were given to you by authority figures and others you came up with on your own.  Either way, you've had these same thoughts so frequently they've become beliefs in your mind. 


Common limiting beliefs

Here are examples of common limiting beliefs:

  • I am not ______ enough.
  • I do not have enough ______.
  • I do not deserve ______.

You can fill in the blank with a multitude of things.  You might feel you are not young enough, not old enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, smart enough, skilled enough…  You may feel you do not have enough time, resources, finances, connections, credentials… Or you might feel you don’t deserve something, as if you did not earn it or are not worthy of it. 


None of these beliefs are true.  Not a single one.  You are inherently worthy of all that you have and all that you truly desire.  The only thing holding you back are YOUR beliefs.  That’s it. 


What if someone confirmed your belief?  For example, what if someone told you they did not want to hire your company because you weren’t experienced enough?  Now you have proof your belief is true!


Wait, take second and think about this.  Just because one person told you, you did not have enough experience does not mean you aren’t qualified for the work you do.  That is just one person’s opinion.  There could be countless other potential clients out there who DO believe you have enough experience and would love to hire your company.  But if you take in the opinion of the person who said you did not have enough experience, then you will doubt yourself and others will be able to sense your doubt which will lead to a self-fulfilling prophesy- you aren’t experienced enough. 


Here is another example, you may believe you do not have enough time to start the new yoga routine you’ve been wanting to try.  You know it will be beneficial not only for your body (increased strength and flexibility, yes and yes) but also for your mind.  You’re hoping it will help with all the stress you’ve been experiencing lately with your promotion at work and busy schedule at home, but you can’t seem to find the time to fit it in.  So you make an excuse.  Ouch.  I’ve been told this before as well and it hurts.  I go straight to the defensive.  “You don’t understand.  I get up, get ready for work, take the kids to school, head to the office, after work I come home, cook dinner for my family, and then try to relax for a minute before I go to bed and do it all over again.  Where am I supposed to find the time?”  I was right, and so are you.  You cannot find time; you have to make it.


I’m sure you’ve heard the quote before by Jim Rohn, “If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way.  If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.”  It was as true for me as it is for you.


If you want to make time for your new yoga routine, you will, if not, you’ll continue to allow your limiting belief on time control your life.


When I want to add something to my day, I’ve found the best time to do so is in the morning before the kiddos wake up.  Does this mean I may sacrifice sleep some days?  Yes.  However, continually sacrificing sleep will backfire your goal achievement real fast.  So most days I go to bed earlier.  Everything is a give and take.  Each day you have to decide what is most important for you.  Today it might be working longer hours to wrap up a project and getting eight hours of sleep which means you won’t have time for yoga.  Tomorrow it may mean going to bed earlier, getting eight hours of sleep, and waking up in time to practice yoga and meditation.  Your goal achievement won’t be perfect, and you should not create the expectation it will be. 


If you prioritize what is most important to you each day and focus on releasing false limiting beliefs, you will be able to achieve anything you set your mind to.

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Are you struggling with limiting beliefs and looking for additional resources? 

Check out my Limiting Beliefs Guide which will walk you through releasing your current blocks and open yourself up to your fullest potential. 

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