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Why Not Have More Fun?

Jul 17, 2023


Fun, it isn’t just for kids and pets.  Your life could be more fun if you look for ways to bring it into your day. 

Enjoyment or fun typically does not come naturally for us once we become adults.  Rules, responsibilities, work, and thoughts all get in our way.  If we want to bring more joy into our daily life, we have to actively cultivate it. 

We have to look at each situation and ask ourselves, ‘How could this be more fun?’ Or ‘How could I make this activity I’m dreading, more enjoyable?’ 

I originally heard this idea from Gabrielle Bernstein, but I have been practicing it for years.  Whenever there is a household task I’ve been procrastinating on, I ask myself how can I make this activity better. 

For example, if I do not feel like doing the laundry, I entice myself by putting in my earbuds and turning on one of my favorite podcasts or audiobooks.  This makes the task so much more enjoyable! 

Where I struggle with this idea the most, is at work.  When I need to focus on important (albeit not so fun) responsibilities I am not able to listen to a podcast, so I have to look further for a way to improve the enjoyment of this task. 

Lately, I’ve tried making myself a delicious cup of coffee to drink while I work.  Or rewarding myself with a quick break once the job is done.  Or even taking my laptop outside to work in the sunshine.  All these ideas add more fun to my day, no matter the project ahead of me. 

The challenge tends to be remembering to look for ways to add more fun.  Most of the time we are just stuck in the grind of the day to day, heads down, getting work done.  But if we take a few minutes before our responsibilities begin in the morning, we can plan out ways to bring joy in.

What have you done lately to add more fun to your day?



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